Summer 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Life so far....

Wes has been gone for over two weeks and it feels more like months.  My kids are still alive and I am not crazy yet.  We keep busy.  I baby sit two days a week and we have play dates almost every other day.  Dallas is doing pre-school now with a group of other kids from church.  I have now had to adapt to taking the kids with me where ever I go.  I don't like it.

Dallas embarrassed me at blockbuster the other day.  He was very persistent in wanting some candy and for some reason we were in a long line and had to wait forever.  I didn't want him to have any because I know if he gets some just one time he will want some every time.  So he changed his begging from "can I have this or this" to "what candy has my name on it."  That was because I told him they weren't his candy to take.  This went on for 10 minutes.  Eventually a man behind me tapped my shoulder and said he had a quarter so Dallas could have a gum ball.  My response was "I  have a lot of quarters but I just don't want him to have any."  From that it was very clear he was driving everyone crazy.  Another man said he was meant for a sales career because of his persistence and negotiating.

Speaking of negotiating, Dallas was eating dinner at a friends house which is always a battle.  He only eats about five different things so when he was given a turkey sandwich the battle had begun.  He wanted to play a spiderman video game but the mom said he needed to eat first.  He hid his food on his chair, tried to pawn it off on Camryn but finally he negotiated.  He said, "how about I eat your dinner tomorrow and play the game now."  He didn't get to play.  He lost.  On the way home he said, "mom I hate turkey."

Camryn is a DIVA!  She has become very bossy and demanding.  Most people think she is so cute and sweet.  Don't judge a book by its cover.  She loves to pretend to put on make up and wear jewelry and you can tell she thinks she looks awesome.  She is still my baby though.  I basically wait for the mail to come every day and so far have received nothing from Wes.  I am always by my phone but I haven't heard anything in over a week.  Such is the life of an army wife.  That still sounds so weird to me but its reality.